Sweet Memories Delivery Online Kolkata
Sweet Memories Delivery Online Kolkata, To capture sweet memories in your life,
this bouquet of 10 mixed roses is the perfect bliss. The
bouquet is gracefully wrapped in red paper packing and clinched with the white ribbon bow. Order this bouquet for your husband to shower love on him. The bouquet has beautiful roses in pink, red and yellow color. This will work more because the red rose will convey the message of love, the pink rose will convey the message of admiration and the yellow rose to strengthen the friendship in your love life. One can gift this bouquet on any occasion. Be it, birthday, anniversary, rose day, valentine’s day, propose day, friendship day, mother’s day, daughter’s day, diwali, success party, get-together and many other events.
Sweet Memories Delivery Online Kolkata
10 Mixed roses in Red Paper Packing